Sunday, October 15, 2006

For Tracy's Laughter

So my sister has this wonderful blog, that I can only hope to live up too, and I have decided to hop on the bandwagon!

I was talking to Tracy about what I should write about-- since I only knew I wanted to write, I didn't know what to write about... she told me that as a first year middle school teacher, I should have plenty to write about that would shock and amaze... and as an added bonus, open the window to the newlywed world.

So, Tracy, I was thinking about what story would be perfect for my FIRST blog, and after sifting through the fight stories, the name callings, and the story about grades, I decided to wait for those and tell you all about David* and Lauren* (the names have been changed to protect the innocent.. though neither are innocent).

I was cutting paper at one of the counters- not even ten feet away from my 6th grade class- when Lauren came up to me, "Mrs. Aurand, David BIT me!" I stood there dumb founded, David came up behind her, "Mrs. Aurand, Lauren slapped me." Instantly, I jerked into teacher mode again and called for them both to join me outside to figure out what really happend. I asked them what happend and as soon as they both started to talk at once, I stopped them and asked Lauren to tell me her side of the story... "Well, see, what happend was that in PE, David took a picture of me with his phone, but wouldn't show it to me, but when we got here, he showed it to Denise, so she gave it to me and then he bit me and then I slapped him!" Still dumb founded, I asked David what his side of the story was and he responded, "Um, well, what she said." I then punished them both accordingly- and emailed David's mom, who let me know that he would be punished, but informed me that he doesn't have a cell phone.

Tracy, I hoped you enjoyed the first of many teaching stories.

1 comment:

Tracy C. said...

Good job Anne! Congratulations on your first blog entry. May it be the first of many to make us shake our heads and thank the Lord we are not first year middle school teachers ;)