Monday, February 12, 2007


So Matt took me to Disney World-- it was AMAZING! Leading up to the trip, he kept on asking me what I was most looking forward to... was it Space Mountain, Test Track, just seeing Mickey and Minnie? Nope, I was stoked about riding the Tea Cups! It was everything I'd ever hoped it would be-- and Matt, who had promised he would take me to the tea cups, but would not ride them (he gets motion sickness sometimes), actually rode with me-- granted he took a bunch of Dramamine! We went first to the Magic Kingdom and then to Epcot and back to the Magic Kingdom for some shopping-- that was all the time we really had without feeling too rushed since we had a flight back home that night. Below are some of our amazing pictures taken by our Casio digital camera and the greatest gadget EVER-- the gorilla pod. Mom and Jim got Matt a Gorilla Pod (shameless plug) which is a mini tri-pod that bends and can wrap around anything so you can self timer the camera and take pictures of yourself without having to ask a stranger-- or do the extendo-arm maneuver.

(Some Zetas at the Wedding)

(Me and Matt with Minnie)

(Couldn't go to Disney without a picture of Mickey)

(I love the Tea Cups! Thanks Gorilla Pod)

(Pooh's Playhouse-- Gorilla Pod)

(Gorilla Pod is still AWESOME)


They're here... the pictures of the 6th grade mosaic

These students are placing tiles on the backboard-- making sure to leave space in between each for the grout.

These students are organizing the tiles by size, shape, and color to make it easier to place tiles into the design.


The Mosaic is hanging in the front lobby with a plaque that has all the students' names on it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Par-TAY (some lewed photos to follow)

So my sorority big sis just got married in Disney world this past weekend and Matt and I flew down there Friday after work and had an amazing time (next blogg will be all about the wedd'n)! Meanwhile... the weekend before Mary, a sorority sister, and I decided to throw her a bachelorette party (her bridesmaids had done nothing for her. No showers and they hadn't put together a bachelorette party). So.... we invited the girls over for pre-party food, drinks, and games before we headed to Buckhead for some more partying! Mary got the drinks and games organized, while I handled food and the most delicious naughty cake...

The best part about this cake was the pudding filling. The girls thought it was hilarious-- and oh so tasty! Needless to say, Matt didn't want any left overs.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


So Matt and I heard about this weird thing called ear candling. I first heard about it on a radio show and then talked to Matt about it and he said he had heard some guys from work try it and love it. So the next time we were at a mall that had a GNC, we went in to see what this was all about.

In a nutshell.... Ear Candles are these long strips of cloth that are wrapped and sealed in beeswax and form a cone shape- with two open ends, one tiny and one larger. Now you need a partner to candle with. Then you get a pie tin (we used paper plates) and cut a hole through the center to insert your candle. The small open tip goes into your ear canal at a slight upward angle-- hold the candle in place. Your partner will light the larger open end and all you have to do is sit there and enjoy. Once your candle is burning, ash will begin to form-- once it is an inch long, your partner will need to snip the ash with scissors and then put the hot ash in water. When your candle is burning about four inches from your ear, thats when it's time to run the flame under water to extinguish it (take it out of your ear first). Once extinguished, you can unroll the remaining few inches of candle and see what came out of your ear.

The first time Matt and I did it we were so grossed out by the amount of gross orange wax came out of our ear. Matt wasn't even really convinced that all of that came out of our ear (he thought that it was something in the candle)-- so our next time candling, we bought an extra box so that we could burn one just to see what was on the inside after burning-- there was NOTHING. So we are now total belivers!

This is seriously the most amazing thing-- your ears feel cleaner-- and I have lately even been suffering from a massive sinus infection and have not been able to hear out of one of my ears for several days now-- I couldn't even clear my ears by holding my nose and blowing. So we candled tonight and my ear was able to clear (painful), but it cleared and I have a lot more of my hearing back. I am still stuffed up and don't feel 100%, but I am on antibiotics to help with that.

Man I just want everyone to try it-- in fact, we might just put a pack in everyone's stocking this Christmas so we can have a major candling session! I'm so excited!