Monday, March 26, 2007

Is it Spring Break YET?

I am so incredibly ready for spring break. Only four more days, ptl! The kids are definately an itch'n for a break-- as are the teachers.

I don't even have any real good plans for spring break. I will work on some stuff for work and hopefully be able to get some artwork done-- or at least attempted. I feel like I have no outlet anymore. When i was in school, I was taking at least three studio classes all the time, now I am teaching-- and can't really do my own work. I do samples, but it's not the same as being able to be creative without having to worry about standards. Plus the kids really don't like my samples, so I have been doing them less and less. They think that since I am the art teacher, of course my work is going to turn out good-- they can't look at it and see techniques or get inspired. Usually, if I do a sample, they just imitate it.

Actually-- I'm ready for the summer, not just spring break. I plan on mostly working on my art this summer and working out to lose this nasty winter/first year teaching/ first year married weight. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Things to love

Have you ever gotten caught up in an everyday task and then realized how much enjoyment you got out of it? I've never been a big fan of shaving-- in the winter I really don't shave at all unless I know I'm going to be wearing a dress or Matt finally gets grossed out when he rubs against my legs at night. Even when Tracy borrowed my razor when we were in Memphis for my Grandma Betty's funeral, I didn't really miss it because I wasn't really shaving. So the other night, Matt and I were at the greatest store on earth- costco- and I finally bought a new razor (Tracy still has mine). I got the Venus Breeze. IT'S AMAZING!! I didn't need soap or shaving cream-- there are lather bars below and above the razor so all you have to do is wet the razor so the lather forms and then shave. This was one of the closest shaves I have had in a log time and it left my skin a lot more moist than normal after shaving-- and no itchy legs! I just kept on shaving and shaving-- it was great!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Kids say the Darndest...

GIRL1: Man, Mrs. Aurand, did you hear that? He just called me a 'B'
BOY: I didn't call you a 'B,' I called you a Bastard!
GIRL2: Is Bastard a bad word, Mrs. Aurand?
ME: Well, do you even know what it means?
BOY: It means you ain't got no Daddy.
ME: Well it really just means that your parents were not married when you were born.
GIRL1: Then I am a bastard!

How do could I not laugh?